We hope you can join fellow LBO Members to play bridge online.

Please note that neither LBO nor our teachers can offer tech support for this third party bridge site but we will point you in the right direction with a video and written instructions

First, go to BBO at bridgebase.com

Register a BBO Username

Your user name could be your name or something anonymous.

A good idea is to put “LBO” at the end of your user name so other players from the LBO beginners class can easily identify you.

For example: DSmithLBO

Once you have registered, an email will be sent to your inbox. You must click on the link there to confirm your registration before you will be able to log in.

Once you have confirmed your registration via the email that was sent to you, you can log in. 

Once logged in, click on “Casual” in the top right of the page:

Click on Relaxed Bridge Clubs in the bottom left hand corner (For members of Jack Stocken's classes, please select the "Acol" club instead):

You will be taken to this screen where you can see the online tables. If you see a  table with fellow LBO students, then click on “Sit!

On this same screen you can start your own table in the bottom left hand corner of the screen:

On this screen click on the button next to “Permission required to kibitz” and Permission required to play” and turn the buttons to orange (or green on some devices).

Also put in Description at the top Beginner LBO

Now just click on the South seat and put in your own BBO name. Then click on the North seat and put in your partner’s BBO name.

You then wait for other players to join you. Have fun!